Student Forms
Below are common forms and processes used by students.
Graduate Students
Contact your department to obtain the appropriate forms.
An add/drop form should only be submitted if a faculty signature permitting this registration is required. Please use to add or drop courses if no signature is required.
The St. Thomas Academic Calendar will specify when faculty signatures are needed.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
Full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible to register for ACTC exchange courses during the fall and spring semesters, provided the course is not offered at St. Thomas during the same term.
For more information, review our page on the ACTC Program.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
A student may choose to audit a course rather than take it for credit. If attendance is satisfactory, the course number, title and the audit designation will appear on the transcript. If attendance is not satisfactory, the course will not appear on the transcript. In no case may a student receive credit for a course that was audited unless the course is retaken for credit.
Students who change their grading option from standard grading to audit after the 14th calendar day of class will not receive a tuition reduction. However, students who change from audit to standard grading will be charged the full tuition for that course. Contact the Business Office to know the fee for audit.
Students may not switch from credit status to audit status after the last day to withdraw from a class without a grade of F. Students may not switch from audit status to credit status after the last day to register or add a class. Information about deadlines can be found on the St. Thomas Academic Calendar.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
This form is used to request a change to a student's core course fulfillment when a course can be applied to more than one choice of core categories. Please submit one request per course.
The maximum credit limit for each term is specified in the Course Load Policy in the Undergraduate Catalog.
The dean’s office in the relevant college or school will receive and review your responses and determine your eligibility for an exception to the stated policy. The dean’s decision will be communicated to the Office of Student Data and Registrar, who will notify you of the decision.
An examination Fee of $150.00 must be paid to the Business Office before the examination is administered.
Upon completion of the examination with a satisfactory score, a student will receive academic credit and a grade of “S” unless the department has decided that a regular letter grade should be awarded.
The University grants academic credit for experience if a proposal for the work submitted by a registered student receives prior approval from the department involved and the student successfully completes the experience agreed upon.
Zero-credit internship/experiential learning is available to all students looking to have experience reflected on their transcript and international students who are enrolling for CPT (Curricular Practical Training).
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
Individual Study/Research Form
If your Individual Study involves domestic overnight or international travel (for any reason or length of time), you must register your travel via the .
For both international and domestic overnight travel, you will need to:
- Complete the online travel registration.
- Submit a Student Waiver to your sponsoring faculty.
For International Travel only, you will need to:
- Enroll in the required CISI insurance. The insurance charges will be billed to your 91制片厂. Thomas student account.
- Register your travel with the U.S. State Department ().
- Review health information with the Center for Disease Control (). If necessary, make a travel clinic appointment. Student Health Services is a certified travel clinic.
- International Travel requires a valid passport, and may require a visa/travel authorization. Visit for information on obtaining a U.S. passport. Check with your host country’s embassy or consulate for visa/travel authorization requirements.
- All university-related travel is subject to the Cancellation Policy and Risk Assessment Process. If your destination is subject to a U.S. State Department Travel Warning, contact Global Learning and Strategy ( for next steps.
Use this form to change your grading option to pass/fail. To elect this grading option, this form must be submitted before the deadline published on the Academic Calendar for the applicable term/year. This election cannot be revoked after the published deadline. Make sure you read through the rules and carefully consider your request.
Please complete form in full or it will not be processed.
- Information regarding the transfer institution can be found in the transfer institution's catalog, course schedule or website. Please attach course descriptions for each course you want approved. Some departments may require you to provide a course syllabus (this is mandatory for course approvals for the Fine Arts and Human Diversity Requirements).
- Please obtain the signature of the respective Department Chair for each course you want approved.
- Please return the completed form with appropriate signatures to the Office of Student Data and Registrar.
- Upon completion of your course(s), be sure to have an official transcript to the Office of Student Data and Registrar. We do accept electronic and paper transcripts.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
Currently Enrolled Students:
Log on to
- Choose the Student Services Menu
- Choose the Personal Information Menu
- Click on the Update Addresses and Phones
Former Students:
You may email, mail, fax or walk up with a signed letter requesting that your address be changed. Please include:
- Your previous address and new address information, along with any changes to your telephone number(s)
- Previous/prior name(s)
- Date of birth
- Student ID number and/or last 4 digits of Social Security Number (SSN)
- Student's signature
All current St. Thomas students should use the Murphy Online to print off enrollment verification letters.
- Log into
- Select Student Services
- Select Student Records
- Select National Student Clearinghouse
- To log on to the NSC site, you will need your name, birth date and social security number.
If your third party will not accept the NSC enrollment verification letter or if you need information that is not included in the NSC enrollment verification letter, you may submit an Enrollment Verification request to the Office of Student Data & Registrar.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
For more information about these requests, please see our page on Enrollment Verification.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, prohibits postsecondary educational institutions from disclosing the education records of students to most third parties without the students' written consent.
FERPA Resources:
Student's Order for Non-Disclosure
Student Consent to Release Education Records
Saint John Vianney Student Consent to Release Education Record
For more information regarding FERPA, please visit the .
St. Thomas diplomas can be ordered through the or directly from the Office of Student Data and Registrar. Diplomas are mailed in an oversized envelope with a cardboard insert and typically do not fit in a standard-size mailbox.
- Online orders through Parchment
- Go to the to place your order.
- Online orders (paper or electronic) will incur a third-party processing fee of $20 per diploma plus applicable taxes, which is paid directly to Parchment.
- Students placing a replacement diploma order will receive both a digital and physical paper diploma. Digital diplomas are delivered to the email provided in the order. Paper diplomas will be mailed to the student or a third party as specified in the order.
- If you experience any issues using the Parchment website (i.e. login issues), please visit to report your issue or chat with an agent.
- Paper diploma request through the Office of Student Data and Registrar
- Fill out the Replacement Diploma Request Form.
- There is a $20 fee for each replacement diploma requested. We accept cash or check (no credit cards). Please make checks payable to the 91制片厂. Thomas.
- If you select the Pick Up option, you must . Pick up location is the Center for Student Achievement (CSA) information desk located in the Murray-Herrick Campus Center (first floor) on our St. Paul campus.
- St. Thomas will pay any standard postage costs to mail a paper diploma ordered using the Replacement Diploma Request Form.
- If expedited shipping is desired, please indicate that on the form.
- Diploma requests take 1-2 weeks to be processed/delivered.
One of the following forms of documentation is required to change the gender listed in a student record. Photocopies are acceptable. Please photocopy both the front and back of each document as needed.
- Court Ordered Documentation: Copy must be certified and contain the new/current gender.
- State-issued ID: Must be valid (non-expired) and contain new/current gender.
To request an update to identification information on your student record:
- Complete the Gender of Record Change Request and return it to our office.
- Any request must contain the student's:
- Former gender
- Current gender
- Required documentation (see above)
- Student's signature
- St. Thomas ID number and/or last 4 digits of Social Security Number (SSN)
One of the following forms of documentation is required before a change to the legal name on record will be completed. Photocopies are acceptable. Please photocopy both the front and back of each document as needed.
- Social Security Card: Must contain the new/current name and match the SSN on file.
- Marriage License: Must contain both the old/former and new/current name.
- Divorce Papers: Must contain both the old/former and new/current name.
- Court Ordered Documentation: Must contain both the old/former and new/current name.
- Driver’s License: Must be valid (non-expired) and contain new/current name.
To request an update to identification information on your student record:
- Complete the Legal Name Change Request and return it to our office.
- Name changes must have the student's:
- Former name
- Current name
- Required documentation (see above)
- Student's signature
- St. Thomas ID number and/or last 4 digits of Social Security Number (SSN)
Note: We do not change names when we receive a form or letter that indicates a name has changed without first having the required documentation, as outlined above.
To request a change to your preferred first name:
Students may email the Office of Student Data and Registrar (using their St. Thomas email account), fax or mail a request to have their preferred first name updated. Requests must include the requestor's St. Thomas ID and specify what changes should be made.
Your preferred first name is distinct from your legal name and will be used for internal 91制片厂. Thomas communications including: class rosters, residence life information, etc.
Note: Requesting a change to your preferred first name does not change your legal name at the University. Your legal name will still appear on official documents such as the official transcript, official St. Thomas letters, etc. To change your legal name, please follow the instructions outlined above.
New Graduates: Transcripts will reflect your degree award date approximately three weeks after the end of the term.
St. Thomas official transcripts can be ordered through the . If you experience any issues using the Parchment website (i.e. login issues), please visit to report your issue or chat with an agent.
Students may order an electronic or paper transcript online. Paper transcripts are available for in-office pickup or can be mailed to the student or a third party.
- Online orders (paper or electronic) will incur a third-party processing fee of $3.25 plus applicable taxes per transcript, which is paid directly to Parchment (the e‑transcript vendor).
- Students can select electronic or paper transcripts ordered online.
- Students are responsible for any mailing charges for paper transcripts ordered online.
- E-transcript orders incur the processing fee but no mailing charges.
- Paper transcript request through the Office of Student Data and Registrar. This service is provided free of charge, but may take up to two business days to process.
- Fill out the .
- If you select Pick Up option, you must make a pick up appointment. Pick up location is the Center for Student Achievement (CSA) information desk located in the Murray-Herrick Campus Center (first floor) on our St. Paul campus.
- St. Thomas will pay any standard postage costs to mail a paper transcripts ordered using the Transcript Request Form.
- If expedited shipping is desired, a student can order a transcript to pick up in-person and take it to the campus post office to mail their transcript.
Official paper transcripts are printed on security paper and bear the university seal. When official transcripts are provided directly to the student, they are sealed in a university envelope and the transcript is stamped "Issued directly to the student".
Transcripts from the 91制片厂. Thomas may be requested or released. Transcripts and documents that have been issued by other institutions become the property of the 91制片厂. Thomas. Federal policy permits a student the right to view the documents in his or her academic records. However, the University does not provide (or allow the making of) copies of these documents. Transcripts issued to the 91制片厂. Thomas for admission or credit transfer become the property of the 91制片厂. Thomas and cannot be returned to the student or forwarded to other institutions.
NOTE: The Office of Student Data and Registrar does not hold transcript requests for future activity (such as the posting of grades or awarding of degrees). Please submit your transcript request after your grades are posted or degree has been awarded.
Degree Declarations
Please read the for complete instructions regarding declaring, adding, changing or removing a major.
Process summary:
- Log in to
- Go to the My Actions menu
- Select Major and Minor Declaration Form
- Use buttons to Add or Update a major/minor
- Select "declare", "add", "change" or "remove"
- Make selections using menus provided
- Read and agree to submission acknowledgment
- Submit your request
Your form will be routed to the Department Chair for review. If approved, it is then sent to the Office of Student Data and Registrar for processing.
Please read the for complete instructions regarding declaring, adding, changing or removing a minor.
Process summary:
- Log in to
- Go to the My Actions menu
- Select Major and Minor Declaration Form
- Use buttons to Add or Update a major/minor
- Select "declare", "add", "change" or "remove"
- Make selections using menus provided
- Read and agree to submission acknowledgment
- Submit your request
Your form will be routed to the Department Chair for review. If approved, it is then sent to the Office of Student Data and Registrar for processing.
Please fill out, sign and bring the Declaration Form to the appropriate Program Director for completion.
To sign the form electronically, please download and complete in Adobe.
Withdraw as an Undergraduate Student
- Review the Undergraduate Withdrawal Policy
- Initiate the withdrawal process with Academic Counseling & Support
Withdraw as a Graduate Student
- Contact your Graduate School
- Review Academic Policy by School
- Review the Graduate Withdrawal Policy