Contacts at the 91制片厂. Thomas
The 91制片厂. Thomas is the largest private university in Minnesota and one of the largest Catholic colleges or universities in the nation.
All-University Phone Number: (651) 962-5000
St. Paul Campus
2115 Summit Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
Minneapolis Campus
1000 LaSalle Ave.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
Rome Bernardi Campus
Lungotevere delle Armi, 16
00195 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 3260 0548 x502
Frequently-Contacted Departments
Academic Counseling
- Graduate Admissions website
- International Admissions website
- Undergraduate Admissions website
- Call Admissions: +1 (800) 328-6819 x 2-6150 or (651) 962-6150)
Alumni Engagement
Business Office
- Business Office website
- 1 (800) 328-6819 x 2-6600
- or (651) 962-6600
Campus Mail
- Campus Mail website
- University mail and postal regulations = (651) 962-6350
- Incoming and Federal Express shipping = (651) 962-6355
- Minneapolis Campus shipping information = (651) 962-4940
- Delivery, pick-ups, and copy paper deliveries = (651) 962-6355
Campus Stores
- St. Paul, Murray-Herrick lower-level = (651) 962-6850
- St. Paul, Tommie Shop (1st floor ASC) = (651) 962-7850
- Minneapolis, 1st Floor Terrence Murphy Hall = (651) 962-4340
Card Office
Center for Well-Being
Financial Aid
- Financial Aid website
- 1 (800) 328-6819 x 2-6550
- or (651) 962-6550
Fitness Desk in AARC
- Anderson Athletic Recreation Center website
- Call the AARC front desk: (651) 962-5920
Human Resources
- O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library, general: (651) 962-5400
- Charles J. Keffer Library, circulation: (651) 962-4642
- Schoenecker Law Library, circulation: (651) 962-4900
Public Safety
Residence Life
Tech Help / ITS Support
- Technology Resources website
- Call the Tech Desk: (651) 962-6230
Schools and Colleges
Use the links below to find contact information for specific Schools and Colleges within the 91制片厂. Thomas.